Supporting information

We have produced a number of documents which are not part of the local plan but which support, explain and monitor the local plan and how it was prepared.

Document details Link
Authority monitoring report (formerly annual monitoring report) (AMR): reviews the progress of the implementation of the local plan.

Previous reports can be supplied on request.
Housing delivery study: this report reviews past and current rates of housing delivery and determinants of demand and makes recommendations how to accelerate housing delivery in West Suffolk.  West Suffolk Housing Delivery Study (March 2019)
Housing action plan: the housing delivery action plan has been reviewed and is now complete. This report provides information on what has been achieved through the delivery plan together with next steps. West Suffolk Housing Delivery Action Plan: Final Review
Housing land supply reports: this report is a five year land supply  of specific deliverable sites sufficient to provide five years worth of housing against the housing requirement. West Suffolk Five Year Housing Land Supply (5YHLS) as at March 2022 (published February 2023)

This 5YHLS report can found on the planning policy consultation system on the  homepage of the consultation under 'summary of results'
Local development scheme (LDS): this explains what planning policy documents the council intends to produce and the timescale for their preparation. The LDS includes key milestones that inform you about opportunities to get involved with the plan making process and to let you know the likely dates for this involvement.

Statement of community involvement (SCI): this sets out how we will consult with you on proposed planning policy document and planning applications.

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