
Section 80 of the Building Act 1984 places a duty on any person intending to carry out the demolition of a building to first give notice to the Local Authority of their intention to do so, unless that building falls within a small number of exemptions. You can find full details of the requirements and exemptions in our guidance notes on demolitions

Where a building falls within the scope of Section 80 of the Building Act, the person intending to carry out the works should submit a completed Notice of Intended Demolition form, along with a suitable site plan showing the extent of the works. The demolition works should not be commenced until either:

  1. The local authority has issued a counter notice to the person submitting the demolition notice, or
  2. A period of 6 weeks has elapsed since the demolition notice was submitted.

Please note, if you decide to demolish a building you may not necessarily get planning permission to rebuild, even if the existing building is damaged due to fire or storms. For more information visit: Planning Portal - Demolition - planning permission

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