Have your say on renewal of licensing policy and protection orders

09 Jun 2023

Image of beer toasting with the words Call for evidence on licensing Cumulative Impact Assessment areas in West Suffolk.

A public consultation on the renewal on a licensing policy to prevent and legal orders to tackle antisocial behaviour, has now begun.

West Suffolk Council is asking residents across the district for their views as to whether the Public Space Protection Orders (PSPOs) it has in place, should be renewed. And it is calling for evidence for or against the renewal of its Cumulative Impact Assessment areas, a licensing policy that covers Bury St Edmunds and Newmarket town centres.

Public space protection orders provide councils and police with extra powers to tackle specific issues of anti-social behaviour that are harming a local community.

Orders are in place in parts of Brandon, Bury St Edmunds, Haverhill and Newmarket to prevent people drinking alcohol in the streets or other areas that aren’t licensed. There are also orders in place to ban anti-social use of motor vehicles in both Bury St Edmunds town centre and on Moreton Hall. And an order also bans begging in Bury St Edmunds town centre – the council works to accommodate people and get them the support that they need for mental health or addiction issues and begging can sometimes jeopardise that work especially if the money donated is spent on drink or drugs. Instead, the council supports Bury Drop In’s Looking for Change campaign which allows people to donate by text – the money is then used to help people who have been homeless, had help and are ready to move on with their lives.

Image of red circle with diagonal line signifying a ban with the text Have your say on the renewal of Public Space Protection Orders in West Suffolk

A PSPO requiring dog walkers to bag and bin their dog’s foul is also in place covering all public spaces in West Suffolk while there are also dog exclusion areas across West Suffolk (Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPOs) for dog walkers ) which are again covered by a PSPO. The council’s approach to dog walkers is to educate and encourage people to bag and bin dog faeces while also removing any excuses by working with partners who provide free bag dispensers.

Cumulative Impact Assessment (CIA) areas have been in place in Newmarket since 2008 and Bury St Edmunds since 2014. The licensing policy tries to prevent an increase in licensed premises or licensing hours within the designated areas, leading to an increase in anti-social behaviour and crime.

Both CIAs are up for renewal before the end of this year.

Image of a shot of alcohol being poured. With the text Call for evidence on licensing cumulative impact assessment areas in West Suffolk

A change in the law means that any decision to renew the CIA must be justified by evidence of its effectiveness. For that reason, the CIA part of the consultation is asking not for people’s opinions, but to see if they have any evidence in support or against the renewal of the CIA for their area.

People can take part in the CIA and PSPO consultation at SmartSurvey - West Suffolk Council Public Space Protection Order, Cumulative Impact Assessment and Dog Exclusion Zone Consultation 2023. The consultation will close on 21 July 2023.

Posted in categories: press release, news

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