Contact us

West Suffolk House is accessible by pre-booked appointments only which must be booked in advance with the relevant service:

  • pre-booked appointments are only available for services which are unavailable online or by telephone
  • only visit West Suffolk House if you have a pre-booked appointment

You do not need to pre-book an appointment to view West Suffolk local plan or neighbourhood plan documents. They are available at any time during our normal opening hours - 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday (closed weekends and bank holidays).

Save time - do it online!

You can access many of our services online - use the A to Z, visit our Report, pay, apply pages or use the search option at the top of every page to find the service information you require.

Links to frequently used services:

If you are unable to find the information you require on our website please submit a West Suffolk Council enquiry form

Customer Services: 01284 763233

Lines open 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday (closed weekends and bank holidays)

Out of hours emergency service: 01284 763252


West Suffolk Council enquiries are dealt with by a pre-booked appointment only which must be booked in advance with the relevant service.

Bury St Edmunds

Address: West Suffolk House, Western Way, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP33 3YU
Map: Google Maps - Bury St Edmunds office
Parking: limited visitor parking on site - West Suffolk House map and parking information


Address: Haverhill House, Lower Downs Slade, Haverhill, Suffolk CB9 9EE
Map: Google Maps - Haverhill office
Parking: no parking on site - Haverhill car parks (

Mildenhall Hub

Address: Mildenhall Hub, Sheldrick Way, Mildenhall, Suffolk IP28 7JX
ViewMildenhall Hub - Google Maps
Parking: available on site.

Social media

We use social media to promote our services and communicate with our residents and customers. We welcome customers to engage with us through our accounts.

We monitor our X and Facebook accounts Monday to Friday 8.45am to 5pm (except bank holidays and public holidays) and reply to questions as soon as possible. We will respond to questions sent outside these hours during the next working day.

If you have a query that is urgent, serious or involves personal details please contact us by email or phone using the details above.

Account Facebook, X and Instagram
West Suffolk Council Facebook: @westsuffolkcouncil
X: @west_suffolk
Instagram: westsuffolkcouncil
Moyse's Hall Facebook: @moyseshall
X: @MoysesHallNews
Nowton Park Facebook: @NowtonPark
The Apex Facebook: @theapexofficial
X: @theapexvenue
West Stow Facebook: @weststow
X: @WestStowNews
West Suffolk Growth X: @WestSflkGrowth
West Suffolk Markets X: @Westsuffolkmkts
Instagram: @Westsuffolkmrkts
What's on West Suffolk Facebook: @WhatsOnWestSuffolk

More information:

Making our services accessible

As a council we are committed to making sure that everyone is able to access our services. This means we will make reasonable adjustments where necessary and appropriate (under the Equality Act 2010) in order to make sure disabled people can use our services.

If you need any help or support in using our services, please let us know and we will consider what changes we can make to assist you. For example, if you require information in another language or format (such as large font or Braille) please contact us.

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