Salting, gritting and snow clearing
Check which roads are gritted in Suffolk (Suffolk County Council)
Seasonal weather advice (Met Office)
Free school meals (Suffolk County Council website)
School closures (Suffolk County Council)
Schools (Suffolk County Council)
Scrap metal dealer licence
Season tickets (parking)
Selling to the councils
Sex establishment licence
Sheltered housing
Sheltered and supported housing
Skip hire
Social care
Care and support for adults (Suffolk County Council)
Children, families and learning (Suffolk County Council)
Help for adults - Helping you to live independently (Suffolk County Council)
Youth support and advice (Suffolk County Council)
Sport and leisure
St Andrews Street car park
St Andrews Flexi-Stay car park
Standards Committee
Stanningfield (Bradfield Combust with Stanningfield Parish Council)
Stanton (Stanton Steamer website)
Start your business
Statement of accounts
Stoke by Clare
Stoke by Clare (Stoke by Clare Parish Council website)
Strategic plan
Stray dogs
Street collection licences
Charitable collections licence
Street lighting
Street naming and numbering properties
Street naming and numbering properties
Street parking
Street parking, permits and visitor vouchers
Street party licence
Street scene - street cleaning and care
Antisocial behaviour and nuisance
Arrange a litter pick as a group
Arrange a litter pick as an individual
Reporting drug related activity and drug litter
Street trading
Street trading and pavement licences
Suffolk Armed Forces Community Covenant
Suffolk Armed Forces Community Covenant (Suffolk Armed Forces Community Covenant website)
Suffolk Armed Forces Community Covenant champions (Suffolk Armed Forces Community Covenant - About us and partners)
Veterans Gateway (external website)
Suffolk County Council
Suffolk County Council (external website)
Suffolk Record Office
Suffolk Archives (Suffolk County Council website)