Selling to the council

Selling to the council is usually through a tendering or quotation process. Which one depends on the value of the contract. For contracts worth under £50,000 we usually require a minimum of three quotes. For contracts worth more than £50,000 we would usually enter a full tender process.

A full tender process would entail a complete background history of your company including finances, experience and any references.

Contracting authorities such as West Suffolk Council (WSC) have legal obligations under the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 to publish certain notices in relation to public procurements. Find a Tender Service (FTS) is the new UK e-notification service. For procurements which are launched after 11pm on 31 December 2020, West Suffolk Council is required to publish notices relating to those procurements on FTS instead of the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU).

Procurement Act 2023

Public procurement is changing. On 24 February 2025, the rules that shape how public bodies buy goods and services will change.

Knowledge Drops produced by Government Commercial (GCF) are designed to provide an overview of the Procurement Act 2023 for suppliers who deliver contracts to:

  • UK public 
  • utilities and defence sectors
  • small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs)
  • voluntary, community and social enterprises (VCSEs).

Find further information on the Knowledge Drops produced by the GCF, and the Procurement Act 2023 at The Official Transforming Public Procurement Knowledge Drops

Thresholds (including VAT) for the different types of contract for local authorities

Effective from 1 January 2024

Works Supplies and services Light regime services Concessions
£5,372,609 £214,904 £663,540 £5,372,609

You can find opportunities from the following websites:

For our conditions of tenders and quotations, read: West Suffolk tender, quotation conditions

Accessing public sector procurement opportunities in Suffolk

We have prepared a guide for anyone interested in working with councils throughout Suffolk, view our Accessing public sector procurement opportunities, Suffolk and beyond presentation.

How we pay suppliers

Payment terms are usually set out in any contracts. We usually pay invoices by BACS within 30 days of receipt. Suppliers will need to send all invoices to the address below, alternatively you can email your invoice to:

PO Box 83
Bury St Edmunds
IP28 9BJ

Suppliers need to ensure that:

  • invoices contain as much information as possible about what the payment is for
  • quote the order number and contract title
  • ensure the invoice is the format agreed in your contract or purchase order.

Procurement policies, terms and conditions

Procurement Policy

View standard terms and conditions:

These are for West Suffolk Council (we may issue a bespoke set of terms and conditions for some contracts but these will be advised upon agreement of goods or services).

Transparency in procurement and contracting

Suffolk Sourcing is an e-tendering and contract management system jointly operated by West Suffolk Council, Suffolk County Council and Suffolk district and borough councils.

Suffolk Sourcing is a secure online procurement system, enabling you to:

  • See and download any current tender opportunities advertised by one of the Suffolk councils
  • Respond to and upload bids and submissions for tenders
  • See Award Notices for advertised tender opportunities
  • See details of existing contracts currently in operation between Suffolk local authorities and suppliers

Once you have identified an opportunity using the routes above, you need to register for free at Suffolk Sourcing in order to download the relevant tender documentation.

Please refer to the user guides held on the system to assist you with registration and responding to tender opportunities.

This facility has been set up to meet the Local government transparency code 2015.

Modern slavery

If you wish to contract with the West Suffolk Council or our supply chain then you must ensure that you meet the requirements in the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

How to report modern slavery

The Unseen App shows how to recognise the signs of modern slavery and report it.

West Suffolk Council supports national objectives to eradicate modern slavery and human trafficking and recognises the significant role the council has to play in both combating it and supporting victims. Our annual Modern slavery and human trafficking statement outlines the actions we are taking to eradicate Modern Slavery in West Suffolk and in our supply chains.

Suffolk Safeguarding Partnership is working with partners across West Suffolk’s communities to tackle modern slavery.

The council’s supply chain is varied and includes individuals, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and multi-national corporations. We recognise that modern slavery and human trafficking can occur anywhere in the supply chain both in the UK and internationally, and regardless of the supplier size or nature of the products or services being purchased.

If you wish to contract with the council or our supply chain then you must ensure that you meet the requirements in the Modern Slavery Act 2015

  • Organisations with a turnover of £36 million or more must prepare and publish a ‘Slavery and Human Trafficking’ statement each financial year. The statement should outline the steps the organisation has taken during that financial year to ensure that slavery and human trafficking is not taking place in any part of the organisation or its supply chains.
  • All organisations will need to evidence to us that they operate ethically and are working proactively to address modern slavery issues.

Further guidance

Guidance on meeting the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and completing an annual statement:

Free resources are available from Stronger Together. Stronger Together is a multi-stakeholder business-led initiative aiming to reduce modern slavery particularly forced labour, labour trafficking and other hidden third party exploitation of workers.

Tender opportunities

Award notices


Details of existing and historic contracts currently in operation between Suffolk local authorities and suppliers:

Green business and sustainable procurement

West Suffolk procurement strategy outlines our sustainable approach to procurement and includes aims such as maximising value for money, reducing resource use and delivering wider environmental benefits. Based on this, we may ask for evidence that covers the following themes:

  • Showing considerations for the environment such as any accreditations or awards
  • Using a continual improvement system for future proofing your business such as an environmental management system (EMS)
    • for example ISO 14001
  • Are able to demonstrate the carbon footprint of your business activities
  • Displaying specific environmental attention for the work which is being offered
    • for example offering alternative green options for products or services
  • Including comments surrounding sourcing of raw materials and recycling of wastes
  • Attempts to reduce or manage energy and water use

You can work out your carbon footprint at Carbon Charter - Calculate your Carbon Footprint

For more information on how we can help your business become more energy efficient visit our Business energy efficiency pages.

Diagnostic tool

The awareness and capability diagnostic tool has been created for local businesses who are interested in securing public sector contracts.

Suffolk Chamber - Diagnostic tool

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Phone: 01284 763233

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