Current vacancies and elections
List of scheduled elections and when they will be held
Date | Scheduled election |
Thursday 1 May 2025 | Suffolk County Council |
May 2026 | No scheduled elections |
May 2027 | West Suffolk Council and parish and town councils |
May 2028 | Police and Crime Commissioner |
National Planning Referendum - Freckenham - Thursday 20 February 2025
- National Planning Referendum - Freckenham - Notice of Referendum
- National Planning Referendum - Freckenham - Timetable of Proceedings
Current vacancies
- Exning Parish Council 1 - 17 January 2025
- Exning Parish Council 2 - 17 January 2025
- Stanton Parish Council - 17 January 2025
- Tuddenham Parish Council - 3 February 2025
To request that an election be held to fill one of the above vacancies, please print, fill in and sign the appropriate form below and email this to the Returning Officer at by the specified deadline.
Please be aware that, under section 228 of the Local Government Act 1972, the names of those who have called for an election are subject to public inspection. If you are canvassing for people to call for an election, please ensure that individuals are made aware that, if they do support the request for an election, their name is subject to public inspection in accordance with section 228 of the Local Government Act 1972.
- Request for an election - parish or town council - 1 signatory per page
- Request for an election - parish or town council - 10 signatories per page
- Request for an election - local government - 1 signatory per page
- Request for an election - local government - 10 signatories per page
Casual vacancies
If a councillor leaves their seat during the course of their term, a casual vacancy will occur. This may happen because a councillor has resigned, passed away, become disqualified (or ceased to be qualified) or because of a failure to take up office.
The rules for casual vacancies are different depending on whether the seat is for a district or county council, or for a parish or town council, however, a notice of vacancy will be displayed to advertise the vacancy.
The list of current vacancies can be found above.
If an election is called following a notice of vacancy being displayed, a by-election would be held. The date for the by-election will be set within required timescales and it would be advertised by the publication of a notice of election which marks the start of the election process.
Details of any by elections can be found above.
How to request an election
District and county councils
When a councillor's seat becomes vacant, a notice of vacancy will be displayed to advertise that vacancy.
The notice explains that an election can be called by a request, made in writing, to the council's proper officer by two electors from the authority’s area.
If an election is called, it must be held within 35 days of the notice. The exception to this is that if a vacancy occurs within six months of the date of the next scheduled elections, the vacancy is carried over to the next elections. The seat will remain vacant during that time and no by-election will be held.
Parish and town councils
The parish or town clerk will display a notice of vacancy in the parish area. The notice shall explain that an election can be called by a request, made in writing, to the district council's proper officer by 10 electors from the parish area, within 14 working days of the date of the notice.
If an election is called, it must be held within 60 days of the notice. If no request is received then the town or parish council may choose to appoint someone by co-option into the vacant seat.
The notice of vacancy must run its course before the town/parish council has the opportunity to co-opt a new councillor as this gives the electors of the parish a chance to call an election if they wish to.
If the vacancy occurs within six months of the date of the next scheduled elections for that council then no election will be held, and the seat may remain vacant until it is filled at the next elections, or the council may choose to appoint someone by co-option into the vacant seat.
Past election results
For details of past election results, visit our election results pages.