Warm spaces


Where Offer When

Bardwell Village Hall

Up Street


IP31 1AA

Warm space with free refreshments supplies, free use of Wi-Fi Tuesdays 10am to 12.30pm

Beck Row
St John Church Hall
Beck Row

IP28 8AA

Warm space in the main hall once a week, offering refreshments, activities and a place to socialise.

Tuesdays 11am to 2.30pm

Wednesdays 9.30am to 11.30pm


Brandon Library
Bury Road
IP27 0BQ
All Suffolk libraries are operating as a warm space during open hours. Services available in some libraries (not all) include cloth exchange, advice and support on debt, signposting, light refreshments.

Suffolk Libraries - Warm Welcome - how Suffolk Libraries can help you this winter
Operating during opening hours
St Peters Church
50 London Road
IP27 0HY
Warm space with warm meals on Tuesdays, youth group on Wednesdays and Cafe space on Thursdays Tuesdays 9.30am to 3.30pm
Wednesdays 6.30pm to 8pm
Thursdays 7pm til late
Brandon Day Centre
Warren Close
IP27 0EE
A free warm space with tea, coffee, and biscuits Mondays (excluding bank holidays) 10am to 12pm
Brockley Village Hall
Mill Road
IP29 4AR
Offering a number of warm spaces through the village hall existing clubs. Full details and times of clubs available on: Brockley Village Hall - Clubs and events
Bury St Edmunds
Bury Library
Sergeants Walk
St Andrew's Street North
Bury St Edmunds
IP33 1TZ
All Suffolk libraries are operating as a warm space during open hours. Services available in some libraries (not all) include cloth exchange, advice and support on debt, signposting, light refreshments.

Suffolk Libraries - Warm Welcome - how Suffolk Libraries can help you this winter
Operating during opening hours
Moreton Hall Library
Moreton Hall Community Centre
Symonds Road
Bury Saint Edmunds
IP32 7EE
All Suffolk libraries are operating as a warm space during open hours. Services available in some libraries (not all) include cloth exchange, advice and support on debt, signposting, light refreshments.

Suffolk Libraries - Warm Welcome - how Suffolk Libraries can help you this winter
Operating during opening hours
Theatre Royal
Westgate Street
Bury St Edmunds
IP33 1QR
Theatre Royal is offering a warm space throughout the winter. Taking place in the Community Hub, hot food and drinks, wheelchair access with accessible toilets and device charging. Mondays 10am to 12pm
Dettingen Way
Bury St Edmunds
IP33 3TU
Warm Welcome Café. Offering a warm space in the café area with free refreshments with free Wi-Fi Tuesdays and Thursdays 9am to 12pm
Bridge Community Church
68 Queens Road
Bury St Edmunds
IP33 3EW
Offering a number of warm spaces through the village hall existing clubs
For list of clubs please see Bridge Community Church
Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays
The New Bury Community Centre
1 Charles Place
Bury St Edmunds
IP32 6TD
Warm space in Hub. Free hot drinks, biscuits or soup Mondays and Wednesdays 1pm to 3pm
Old School Cafe
St Johns Street
Bury St Edmunds
IP33 1SJ
Free Space within our cafe Monday is Nourish the community food project which aims to feed those who have no access to nutritious warm food. We offer free hot drinks , warm meals, and sweet treats . And a safe warm space to connect with others.
Tuesday to Saturday we offer a free hot drinks and a hot breakfast and a safe warm space to connect with others.
Thursdays we offer free hot soup and a safe warm space to connect with others.
Mondays 11am to 1.30pm
Tuesday to Saturday 9.30am to 11am
Thursdays 11am to 2pm
The Thomas Clarkson Centre
Hospital Road
Bury St Edmunds
IP33 3JT
Our churches run social events for the elderly (a monthly meal) and youth and children's activities on a regular basis. These activities are open to all.  To view activities please visit Thomas Clarkson Centre 9am to early evening
Cavendish Memorial Hall
CO10 8AD
Warm space welcome Wednesday offers refreshments, activities and a social environment.  Wednesdays 2pm to 4pm
Clare Library
The Guildhall Surgery High Street
CO10 8NY
All Suffolk libraries are operating as a warm space during open hours. Services available in some libraries (not all) include cloth exchange, advice and support on debt, signposting, light refreshments.

Suffolk Libraries - Warm Welcome - how Suffolk Libraries can help you this winter
Operating during opening hours
Cowlinge Village Hall
Queen Street
Warm space within the village hall with refreshments  Thursdays 11am to 2pm
Great Barton
Freedom Cafe
Mill Road
Great Barton
IP31 2RU
Warm space within the café setting, offering space for play and company during the winter months as well as tea and coffee. Also offering free Wi-Fi Open Monday to Friday 10am to 3pm
Sunday 10am to 12pm
Great Barton Church Institute
The Street
Great Barton
Warm space with refreshments Wednesdays 10am to 3pm
Haverhill Library
Camps Road
All Suffolk libraries are operating as a warm space during open hours. Services available in some libraries (not all) include cloth exchange, advice and support on debt, signposting, light refreshments.

Suffolk Libraries - Warm Welcome - how Suffolk Libraries can help you this winter
Operating during opening hours
St Mary the Virgin Church
High Street
Warm space open once a week, offering tea and coffee and a place to socialise. Fridays 10am to 4pm and 10am to 6pm on two Fridays a month

Haverhill Arts Centre
Coffee Bar
42 High Street


Offering a warm space with activities and art sessions being offered to those attending. Monday to Saturday 9.30am to 4pm

St Bartholomews Church Ingham

IP31 1NQ

Warm space within the church, open twice a week offering hot drinks, biscuits and friendly company as well as games available. Alternative Mondays 1pm to 3.30pm (Stitching Group)
Every Thursday 10am to 11.30am
Alternative Thursdays 2pm to 4pm (Art Club)
Ixworth Library
High Street
IP31 2HH
All Suffolk libraries are operating as a warm space during open hours. Services available in some libraries (not all) include cloth exchange, advice and support on debt, signposting, light refreshments.

Suffolk Libraries - Warm Welcome - how Suffolk Libraries can help you this winter
Operating during opening hours

Kedington Community Association Centre Café
Arms Lane

Warm space, linking the café, the parish council meeting room and library together to provide a warm space for residents, offering hot drinks and food. Also on offer various activities including mobility advice, yoga and exercises. Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays 10am to 4pm
Kedington Library
Kedington Community Centre
All Suffolk libraries are operating as a warm space during open hours. Services available in some libraries (not all) include cloth exchange, advice and support on debt, signposting, light refreshments.

Suffolk Libraries - Warm Welcome - how Suffolk Libraries can help you this winter
Operating during opening hours
Lakenheath Library
65 High Street
IP27 9DS
All Suffolk libraries are operating as a warm space during open hours. Services available in some libraries (not all) include cloth exchange, advice and support on debt, signposting, light refreshments.

Suffolk Libraries - Warm Welcome - how Suffolk Libraries can help you this winter
Operating during opening hours
30 Market Place
IP28 7EF
Meet up Monday held on a weekly basis offering a warm welcome, free tea and coffee and friendly company.

Rural Coffee Caravan - MeetUpMondays
Tuesdays 10am – 11.30am
Mildenhall Library
Mildenhall Hub
Sheldrick Way
IP28 7JX
All Suffolk Libraries are operating as a warm space during open hours. Services available in some libraries (not all) include cloth exchange, advice and support on debt, signposting, light refreshments.

Suffolk Libraries - Warm Welcome - how Suffolk Libraries can help you this winter
Operating during opening hours
Newmarket Library
1a The Guineas
Shopping Centre
All Suffolk Libraries are operating as a warm space during open hours. Services available in some libraries (not all) include cloth exchange, advice and support on debt, signposting, light refreshments.

Suffolk Libraries - Warm Welcome - how Suffolk Libraries can help you this winter
Operating during opening hours
The Racing Centre
Fred Archer Way
Operating as a warm space, refreshments available soup kitchen, tea and coffee, referral pathways, health and wellbeing facilities, Showers, Free Space. No cost to attend. £1 for shower use when not funded. Tea and coffee on a pay it forward system.  Monday to Friday 6am to 8pm and Saturday to Sunday 8am to 5pm
Our Lady Immaculate and St Etheldreda Newmarket
14 Exeter Road
A warm space being offered to run alongside the foodbank opening times. Refreshments being provided. Thursdays 10am to 11.30am
Mondays 11.30am to 1.15pm in school holidays
National Horseracing Museum
Palace House
Free family friendly after-school creative activities inspired by the museum collections and selection of refreshments, including hot drinks and cookies or pastries. Tuesdays 3.15pm to 5pm

Newmarket Day Centre

Fred Archer Way Newmarket


Offering a warm Space to the older community of Newmarket and surrounding villages, keeping people warm, connected especially during the colder months, including the option to join in free group activities, available daily Monday to Friday 8.45am to 4pm

All Saints Church

All Saints Road


Free warm space with refreshments  Tuesdays 10am to 2pm
Red Lodge
Red Lodge Library
Sports Pavilion
Hundred Acre Way
Red Lodge
IP28 8FQ
All Suffolk libraries are operating as a warm space during open hours. Services available in some libraries (not all) include cloth exchange, advice and support on debt, signposting, light refreshments.

Suffolk Libraries - Warm Welcome - how Suffolk Libraries can help you this winter
Tuesdays 9.30am to 12pm
Lightwave Café
Red Lodge Sports Pavilion
Hundred Acre Way
Red Lodge
IP28 8FQ
Free space, refreshments, wi-fi and printing, information on money management and employment, signposting to other organisations Mondays 9.30am to 12.30pm
Millennium Centre
Red Lodge
IP28 8TT
Warm space with soup, rolls and refreshments Thursdays 12pm to 2pm
Shepherds Grove Park Residents
Warm space within the Community Room offering a place for residents to gather, warm drinks and food. To be confirmed
The White Horse
Hopton Road
IP22 1JN
Meet up Monday held on a weekly basis offering a warm welcome, free tea and coffee and friendly company

Rural Coffee Caravan - MeetUpMondays
Mondays 10.30am to 12pm
West Row
The Village Hall
Chapel Road
West Row
IP28 8NY
West Row Warm Rooms Project: Offering a warm space and fish and chips (pre ordering required).

Fish Friday Warm room is hosted by West Row, Parish Council at the Village Hall, Chapel Road, West Row
Friday 12.30 to 2.30pm
Wickhambrook WI hall
Cemetery Road
Free space. Free lunch and refreshments

Wednesdays 12pm to 3pm

11 December, 22 and 29 January and 5, 12, 19, and 26 February

Village Hall
The Street
IP28 8RU
Warm space and hot drinks. Free hot soup and roll lunch, table top games for all ages To be confirmed

Warm Spaces in West Suffolk

Are you operating as a warm space? If you would like your details added to the table below then please email the following details to families.communities@westsuffolk.gov.uk

  • Address
  • What you are offering
  • Day and time of the week


If you need support travelling to a warm space or you live in an area with no regular public transport then Connecting Communities may be able to assist. For further information and how to book please visit their website: The Voluntary Network - Community transport

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