7. Kings Road and Robert Boby Way


The Kings Road and Robert Boby Way Character Area provides an important retail and parking function for the town centre, with a Waitrose supermarket anchoring the site. There are pedestrian links between the retail area and the arc across Kings Road which is a mix of commercial and character residential properties. There is an opportunity to consider retaining and enhancing the existing retail offer given its close proximity to the arc. This could include reconfiguring or expanding some of the existing buildings on the site.

Project leads

Borough council, county council, working with local landowners.



The priority is to enhance pedestrian safety and movement across Kings Road from Robert Boby Way area and the arc.  In addition, an enhanced pedestrian crossing from Kings Road across Parkway would help link the town centre with the residential neighbourhoods.


Maintain the primary use of the area for retailing.


Work with landowners to enhance the existing buildings, car parks and spaces to make them substantially more attractive.  Explore potential for improvements through redevelopment.


  • Explore the potential to reconfigure or expand the existing retail area.
  • Enhance pedestrian crossing facilities across Kings Road from Robert Boby Way area to the arc.
  • Enhance the pedestrian crossing at Parkway.

Meeting MAP Objectives

Aspirations at Kings Road and Robert Boby Way will contribute to meeting MAP objectives 1, 2, 3, 6, and 7.