Consultation on the proposal update to the Air Quality Action Plan in Great Barton
Audience: Stakeholders with an interest in the air quality of Great Barton - Statutory Consultees, Great Barton Parish Council, district and county councillors for Great Barton, residents and businesses within and nearby to the existing Air Quality Management Area
This consultation is now closed.
It was open from 20 December 2023 to 22 January 2024.
West Suffolk Council is consulting on the update of the Air Quality Action Plan (AQAP). The AQAP is in place due to the legally required Air Quality Management Area (AQMA) covering a short stretch of the A143 in the Great Barton parish.
The council has a duty to declare AQMAs where annual objectives for a number of prescribed pollutants are being exceeded, or are likely to be exceeded, at relevant locations. Nitrogen dioxide has previously exceeded the annual mean objective at the council's monitoring location in Great Barton.
Although concentrations of nitrogen dioxide have reduced during recent years and has been consistently below the statutory threshold for the last three years, the AQAP needs to be renewed for a further five-year period to ensure pollutant levels aren’t exceeded once more in the near future.
As part of this consultation, the council would like your comments on the proposed new actions for the AQAP. View the Great Barton Air Quality Action Plan - Review Summary
The full draft AQAP can also be viewed: Great Barton Air Quality Action Plan
Please include any factors that you believe may be important in contributing to the air quality and any actions that you consider may be important in resolving the problem.
View the map of the Great Barton AQMA area
If you have any comments on the proposed update or you have any further suggestions, please contact the Environment and Energy Team:
Environment and Energy Team
West Suffolk Council
West Suffolk House
Western Way
Bury St Edmunds
IP33 3YU
Closing date for the consultation is 5pm 22 January 2024.