Closed consultations and engagement

We seek input from people with an interest in a decision or proposed course of action by the councils. Consultation is not a democratic process; it is used to inform decision makers about what people think about a decision and its likely impact.

Find out more about our past consultations:

Freckenham Neighbourhood Plan Submission Draft (Regulation 16) consultation

Closed on 26 July 2024
Audience: public, landowners, businesses

Hargrave Neighbourhood Plan Review submission draft (Regulation 16) consultation

Closed on 12 July 2024
Audience: Public, land owners, businesses

Revocation of air quality management area (AQMA) in Sicklesmere Road consultation 2024

Closed on 7 June 2024
Audience: Residents and businesses in the Air Quality Management Area; councillors, Highways England, Suffolk County Council, Bury St Edmunds Town Council and other statutory consultees

Markets matter – have your say to shape the future of the West Suffolk markets

Closed on 31 May 2024
Audience: Residents, traders, councillors and other stakeholders.

Housing, homelessness reduction and rough sleeping strategy consultation

Closed on 20 March 2024
Audience: Residents, businesses, stakeholders, parish and town councils, community groups.

A chance to shape West Suffolk Council’s approach to Street Trading

Closed on 18 March 2024
Audience: Street traders, residents, businesses, event organisers, councillors, town and parish councils

West Suffolk Local Plan (Regulation 19) submission consultation 2024

Closed on 12 March 2024
Audience: Residents, businesses, landowners, stakeholder

Proposed Hackney carriage fares 2024

Closed on 26 February 2024
Audience: Driver, vehicle proprietor or operator

Worlington Neighbourhood Plan submission consultation

Closed on 16 February 2024
Audience: Stakeholders, residents, business owners

Consultation on the proposal update to the Air Quality Action Plan in Great Barton

Closed on 22 January 2024
Audience: Stakeholders with an interest in the air quality of Great Barton - Statutory Consultees, Great Barton Parish Council, district and county councillors for Great Barton, residents and businesses within and nearby to the existing Air Quality Management Area

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