How we are doing

West Suffolk Council is committed to achieving the outcomes set out in the West Suffolk Council Strategic Framework. In order to ensure we are on track to play our part in achieving these outcomes and maximising value for money for local taxpayers, we have in place a robust performance monitoring framework. This allows councillors and staff to manage performance and partners, stakeholders and residents to hold us to account.

A range of performance information is used to monitor West Suffolk Council’s performance, which is available using the links on this page.

Annual report

The West Suffolk Annual Report gives an overview of the council’s main achievements during the previous financial year.

Corporate Peer Challenge

In July 2024, West Suffolk Council had its first LGA (Local Government Association) Corporate Peer Challenge. 

The peer team undertook a review of key finance, performance and governance information, and spent four days at the council to provide robust, strategic, and credible challenge and support. The peer team produced a report of their findings LGA Corporate Peer Challenge West Suffolk Council 23-24 July 2024 - Feedback report

To inform the review, the council produced a Corporate Peer Challenge: Position Statement which summarised the achievements of the council and its predecessors over the last five to 10 years.

More information on the Corporate Peer Challenge process: Local Government Association - Corporate Peer Challenge

Environmental statement

The West Suffolk Council Environmental Statement summarises the outcomes of the activities that the council took to manage and reduce its environmental impact during the previous financial year.

Infrastructure Funding Statement

Developer contributions secured through planning obligations (s106 agreements) during the previous financial year are listed in the West Suffolk Council Annual Infrastructure Funding Statement.

Key performance indicator reports

Quarterly reports on the council’s performance against a range of key performance indicators are made to the Performance and Audit Scrutiny Committee (PASC). These are available through the agendas for meetings of PASC.

Information on financial performance

A number of reports describing different aspects of the council’s performance are available on our finance pages.

Transparency information

West Suffolk Council is required to publish certain information about its income, spending and operations under regulations relating to transparency and open data. This information is available on our Open data and transparency pages.

Benchmarking and contextual information

The Local Government Association publishes information that helps compare the performance of different councils through its LGInform website.

The Suffolk Observatory gives statistical information about the local area and population of West Suffolk, providing helpful background to the council’s priorities and performance.

News releases

Information on West Suffolk Council’s activities, investments, partnerships and other achievements is made available through the council’s news releases.

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