Reporting drug related activity and drug litter
Drug litter
A wide range of materials can be associated with drug use, with the highest concern being discarded hypodermic needles (also known as sharps). Drug litter also includes the equipment used for taking drugs which is known as drug paraphernalia. This may include:
- needles or syringes
- tin foil
- cling film
- baby wipes
- bottles that have been modified to make bongs (used to inhale illegal substances)
- gas canisters
West Suffolk Council is responsible for the collection and safe disposal of drug related litter that has been irresponsibly disposed of on local authority land as well as other areas that are open to the public.
If you see of any of the above items please phone Customer Services immediately on 01284 757320 or email with details of the litter you are reporting and the location of the items.
Please do not attempt to dispose of needles or drug paraphernalia yourself as it could be dangerous.
If you do receive a needle stick injury, please refer to the NHS website for advice: NHS - What should I do if I injure myself with a used needle?
Drug related activity
West Suffolk Council works in partnership with Suffolk Constabulary in order to address drug-related issues.
Please report any drug-related activity to the police. This will allow us to direct our resources more effectively.
Call 999 if you require an immediate police response (for example, a crime is in progress or about to happen). You don’t have to provide your details if you don’t want to.
Call 101 for police if the matter is less serious.
You can call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111. They will not ask for your personal details.