Budget and financial strategy

Financial strategy

Our medium term financial strategy spans a five year period. It assesses and evaluates the financial resources we expect to have and our expenditure in order to deliver our strategic priorities.

Productivity Plan

As a condition of the 2024 to 2025 Local Government Finance Settlement, all local authorities are required by Government to publish productivity plans by 19 July 2024.

The productivity plans should consider the following:

  • Transformation of services to make better use of resources.
  • Opportunities to take advantage of advances in technology and make better use of data to inform decision making and service design.
  • Our plans to reduce wasteful spending within our organisation and systems.
  • What the barriers are that prevent local government making progress and what the government can do to help reduce or remove them.

The council’s plan is available at:

Budget consultation with business ratepayers

Budget information

The council's budget is approved annually at full Council in February.

The 2024-2025 budget supports the delivery of the authority’s newly agreed ambitious strategic priorities:

View the full budget report and information for West Suffolk Council 2024-25:

Previous budget books

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