Sheltered and supported housing

Sheltered housing

Sheltered housing is a form of housing available to older people. The age criteria can vary from anything between a minimum of 50 to a minimum of 65. Sheltered housing is available to individuals and couples, but isn't available to dependants living with the applicant such as children. Pets in some cases maybe allowed.

Sheltered housing is accommodation for people who can live independently. This isn't for people who need a similar setting to a residential home. Sheltered houses enable you to live as self-sufficiently as possible, but with the peace of mind of knowing that support is there if required. You have your own flat or bungalow with bathroom and cooking facilities.

Home staff will visit you regularly and be able to assist you in an emergency. They are there to ensure you feel safe, secure and comfortable.

For more details of sheltered housing and how to access it, visit these websites:

Sheltered housing is usually available through the Home-Link choice based letting scheme. To find out more visit the Home-Link website

Supported housing

Supported housing is accommodation for people who require additional support to learn the skills to help them live independently. People that live in Supported housing will have support workers who can help with everyday issues and offer advice. They also teach valuable skills such as budgeting and applying for jobs.

Types of supported accommodation

Specialist supported accommodation provide support for other groups of vulnerable people in housing need. These include people with alcohol and drug problems, mental health sufferers and ex-offenders. There are many sorts of supported accommodation, ones that support younger people and others which work with generally older people.

Accessing supported accommodation

Supported housing is available to individuals and families aged over 16 with support needs who would benefit from this type of accommodation. It enables individuals experiencing homelessness to access supported housing.

Solo Housing can help single people in East Anglia through supported accommodation and lodgings enabling them to develop skills to gain independence. They help a range of people, from those who simply need a roof over their head, to those who need regular help to overcome problems that they may be experiencing.

If you are looking for accommodation but would benefit from support to help you develop skills for managing a tenancy, you are able to refer yourself for supported housing across Suffolk. In order to access this accommodation you would need to complete an online application form which is assessed and forwarded to the supported housing providers in the areas you choose. For further information and to complete the application visit: Suffolk County Council - Care and support for adults

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