West Stow Country Park car park

Address: Icklingham Road, IP28 6HG

Payment by cash, or RingGo
Charges from:
Monday to Sunday 9am to 5pm (Winter) including bank holidays
Monday to Sunday 9am to 8pm (Summer) including bank holidays

The car park is open daily from:
9am to 5pm from November to March
9am to 7pm in April
9am to 8pm from May to August
9am to 7pm in September
9am to 6pm in October
Up to 2 hours £2.00
Over 2 hours £3.00
Blue Badge:
Over 2 hours £2.00
Additional information:
  • Annual season tickets can be bought for West Stow Country Park car park, you can find out more from our car park season tickets page
  • RingGo (cashless service) location code 4471 from 15 June 2020
  • All vehicles (including motorcycles) parking within the boundary of the car park are required to pay the standard parking charges as per the tariff board
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