We do not provide pest control services. You are responsible for keeping your land and buildings free from vermin. If your property has an infestation, you should contact a pest control expert who will be able to advise and offer practical help.
If you are concerned about pests or vermin in neighbouring property let us know. We can help establish the source of the problem and take any necessary action.
The British Pest Control Association (BPCA) provides information about various types of pests as well as giving details of local pest control services.
The British Bee Keepers Association has general information about bees and also what to do if you are stung.
The British Bee Keepers Association - swarm page has information on swarm removal.
The National Pest Technicians Association (NPTA) is a professional trade association that represents all sectors within the public heath and pest control industry. They can advise and deal with any pest control problem, whether large or small.