Energy efficiency retrofits for older properties in West Suffolk
15 Feb 2024

Tenants of period properties with low Energy Performance Certificates (EPC) ratings are enjoying lower energy costs and cosier homes thanks to work carried out by their landlords and West Suffolk Council.
Ten properties at the Euston Estate and four Metcalfe Almshouses in Hawstead have been fitted with several energy efficiency measures, through funding from the Government’s Sustainable Warmth funding and landlord investment.
At Euston Estate ten homes have been fitted with air source heat pumps. Andrew Blenkiron, Estate Director at Euston Estate, said: “We wanted to ensure that the tenant’s carbon footprint was reduced, but most importantly we wanted to ensure that the homes our tenants live in are comfortable, affordable and that they are nice, warm and cosy.”
Jess, resident at the Euston Estate, said: “The storage heaters I had previously were extortionate, so I used them only when I absolutely had to. The new heat pumps are much easier to use, are more efficient and affordable. My house now feels lovely and welcoming inside, the added warmth has made such a difference.”
At Metcalfe Almshouses, measures included ground source heat pumps, ground mounted solar panels and loft insulation, resulting in a combined saving of 17 tonnes of carbon a year. Steve Scott, Trustee of the Philp Metcalf Almshouses, said: “One of the most important things is that it has vastly improved the quality of life that our residents now have. By improving the energy efficiency in their homes, it allows the properties to be adequately heated, leading to happier and healthier lives.”
Alf, resident at the Metcalf Almshouses, said: “We had the loft insulation installed as well as the windows refurbished so we don’t get a draft. The heating from the heat pump is cosy and the electricity from the solar has helped to lower our electricity bills.”
Tenants have welcomed the lower energy bills, warmer homes and their improved living conditions whilst also contributing to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly community.
Cllr Gerald Kelly, Cabinet member for Regulatory, Governance and Environment said: “Hearing feedback from residents on the difference the upgrades have made to the properties they live in is incredibly rewarding. Not only does it help those living there, the carbon savings that landlords are making on their behalf is truly heartening. We are committed to advancing sustainability in West Suffolk and by offering these energy efficiency retrofits for older properties, we can encourage residents and landlords to make environmentally friendly choices while enjoying the benefits of reduced energy bills.”
Hear more from residents of the Euston Estate and Metcalfe Almshouses on our YouTube video - Energy efficiency retrofits for older properties in West Suffolk.
Homeowners, tenants or landlords interested in replacing inefficient oil or solid fuel heating systems, or upgrading their insulation can find out about the support available at Warm Homes Suffolk.
Posted in categories: press release, news, environmental-news