Former Forest Heath area SIR and SALP
The Single Issue Review of Core Strategy Policy CS7 Overall Housing and Distribution and the Site Allocations Local Plan were adopted by West Suffolk Council on 19 September 2019, and now form part of overarching local plan for West Suffolk Council. These documents identify where growth will be allowed and what everyday services people will need to enjoy a good quality of life. The adopted SIR and SALP and related documents are listed below and you can also read the inspectors reports and modifications appendices
Single Issue Review of Core Strategy Policy CS7 Overall Housing Provision and Distribution (SIR) and Site Allocations Local Plan
- SIR September 2019
- SALP September 2019
- SIR Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA)
- SALP Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA)
- Sustainability Appraisal of the SIR and SALP and statement
- Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP) to support the SIR and SALP
- SIR adoption statement
- SALP adoption statement
- Policies maps can be seen on the interactive mapping system.
- Select 'My Maps' tab
- Enter your location in the search bar
- Select 'Local Plan Forest Heath area' under the map categories on the side panel
- Click in the area of interest to enable a pop-up which shows policies relevant to that area.
You can also download individual settlement maps from the Policies Map Book September 2019