West Suffolk Local Plan (consisting of the former Forest Heath and St Edmundsbury areas)

The West Suffolk Local Plan (consisting of the former Forest Heath area (FHDC) and former St Edmundsbury area (SEBC) Local Plan documents) sets out the long term planning and land use policies within West Suffolk. The local plan includes documents previously referred to as the Local Development Framework (LDF). The local plan for West Suffolk Council is made up of the following:

Quick links to documents

Former FHDC area Former SEBC area
Core Strategy (2010) Former SEBC area
Site Allocations Local Plan (2019)

Vision 2031 (2014)

Joint Development Management Policies Document (2015)
Policies maps

'Made' neighbourhood plans in West Suffolk


Existing policy review - July 2020

In accordance with Regulation 10A of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012, a thorough review of all of West Suffolk's existing policies has been undertaken to take into account any changing circumstances affecting the area, or any relevant changes in national policy. The assessment found a high degree of compliance with national planning policy requirements.

A - Toolkit part 1 - local plan review
B - Toolkit part 2 - local plan content
C - former Forest Heath are Core Strategy 2010 and Single Issue Review 2019
D - former St Edmundsbury Core Strategy 2010
E - Joint Development Management Policies Document and National Planning Policy Framework

All associated documents - SA, HRA, inspectors reports, adoption statements and so on

Former Forest Heath area Former St Edmundsbury area
Local plan evidence documents

The Sustainable Community Strategy for our area is produced by the Suffolk Strategic Partnership. The council is required to take account of any spatial (land use) elements set out in the Sustainable Community Strategy for the area.

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