St Edmundsbury core strategy
The Core Strategy Development Plan Document (DPD) was adopted on 14 December 2010 and now forms part of the Local Plan for the former St Edmundsbury Borough Council area. The Core Strategy sets out the vision, objectives, spatial strategy and over arching policies for the provision of new development in the area up to 2031.
The Core Strategy and supporting adoption documents are set out below:
- Core Strategy (December 2010)
- Core Strategy Sustainability Appraisal
- Core Strategy Sustainability Appraisal Appendices
- Core Strategy Habitat Regulations Assessment (Screening)
- Core Strategy Adoption Statement and notice of advertisement
- Core Strategy Environmental Statement of Adoption
- Core Strategy inspector's report (August 2010)
Core Strategy background and preparation
The background to the development of the Core Strategy Development Plan document is set out below. The Core Strategy document looks at key issues such as what housing and other land uses should be planned for, the role of the various settlements, how we can protect the environment and reduce the impacts of climate change.
The first round of consultation on the 'Core Strategy Issues and Options' document took place in March and April 2008. A second, nine week public consultation on the 'Core Strategy Preferred Options and Strategic Sites Issues and Options' closed on 5 January 2009. This document also incorporated those Development Control Policies that are proposed for modification. We consulted on the Sustainability Appraisal at the same time.
The Core Strategy submission document underwent an eight week public consultation between August and October 2009. On 8 January 2010, the former St Edmundsbury Borough Council submitted the Core Strategy to the Secretary of State, for the Core Strategy Examination by an independent Planning Inspector in April 2010.