Fuel energy and utilities

Support within West Suffolk

  • Winter Fuel Payment: If you were born on or before 25 September 1956 you could get between £250 and £600 to help you pay your heating bills. Payments are made automatically in November and December. For further support and advice see GOV.UK - Winter Fuel Payment
  • Cold Weather Payment: This is paid for periods of very cold weather lasting seven days or more between 1 November and 31 March for people on specific eligible benefits. For further support and advice see GOV.UK - Cold Weather Payment
  • The Warm Homes Suffolk programme East Suffolk Council - Warm Homes Healthy People helps Suffolk residents to make it cheaper to heat their homes through various energy efficiency measures and advice. Grant funding is available as well as assistance with pre-payment meters East Suffolk Council - Suffolk Wide Prepay Energy Meter Project and managing debt.


  • Oil buying clubs in Suffolk could help reduce the amount you pay as group buying yields better deals. Search for your nearest at The Oil Club - Search
  • AF Affinity the Community Action Group Suffolk oil buying services: In partnership with AF Affinity, Community Action Suffolk runs community oil buying scheme which means Suffolk residents can benefit from the bulk buying power or reduced oil prices. For more information and to register please visit Affinity Fuels Home (affinityfuels.co.uk) or telephone AF Affinity on 01603 881888, email enquires@AF-affinity.co.uk
  • Assistance with purchasing oil in Suffolk, Eastern Savings and Loans: Oil buying loan, Eastern Savings and Loans can provide an interest free loan of up to £500 in order to buy oil payable over 12 months (repayment from £41pm) and supporting to help pay towards future oil purchases. For more information please visit Eastern Savings and Loans - Suffolk Oil Loans or telephone on 03336 000690.

National support

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