What would you like to report?
We are always working to improve our service to you. We add more forms as and when they become available.
Abandoned vehicles
Antisocial behaviour and nuisance
Bins and recycling
Business rates
Business rates (National Non-Domestic Rates) are administered by Anglia Revenues Partnership:
- Business rates - vacation or occupation of premises, change of use, relief and exemptions, pay your business rates.
Council Tax
Council Tax is administered by Anglia Revenues Partnership:
- Council Tax - change your details, apply for reductions and discounts, pay your Council Tax.
Environmental issues
- Environmental services
- Report a problem with air quality (smoke, dust or odours)
- Report a high hedge
- Report a noise complaint
Fly-tipping and fly-posting
Fraud - benefits, Council Tax and housing
- Report fraud - including non-residency, sub-letting and false succession rights
Grounds and tree maintenance
- Report an empty property - phone Customer Services 01284 763233 email customer.services@westsuffolk.gov.uk
- Housing Benefit - is administered by Anglia Revenues Partnership: Housing Benefit - apply, report changes.
- View the public register
- Email licensing@westsuffolk.gov.uk to report a concern or issue with a licensed premises
Nuisance vehicles
Planning and building control
Play areas
Roads and transport
- Report issues to Suffolk County Council (SCC) such as those listed below - visit the SCC website for a complete list:
- blocked drains (gullies)
- problems with cycle lanes or tracks
- flooding on roads or pavements
- Report a pothole (Suffolk County Council)
Street lighting
Street cleaning
To report:
- abandoned shopping trolley
- broken glass
- dead animal
- dog foul and litter
- drug waste
- overflowing or damaged dog waste bin
- overflowing or damaged litter bin
- road sweeping
visit: Report street cleaning