Former St Edmundsbury area Local Plan

The former St Edmundsbury area Local Plan sets the long term planning and land use policies within the former St Edmundsbury area of West Suffolk Council. The local plan includes documents previously referred to as the local development framework (LDF). The local plan is made up of the of the following:

  • Core Strategy: this was adopted on 14 December 2010, it sets out the vision, objectives, spatial strategy and overarching policies for the provision of new development in the former St Edmundsbury area up to 2031. 
  • Vision 2031: consists of three local plans, Bury St Edmunds Vision 2031, Haverhill Vision 2031 and Rural Vision 2031, these were adopted on 23 September 2014 and identify where growth will be allowed and what local everyday services people will need to enjoy a good quality of life.
  • Joint Development Management Policies Document: this was adopted on 27 February 2015 by the former Forest Heath District Council and on 24 February 2015 by the former St Edmundsbury Borough Council. It contains policies that form an important tool for the day to day determination of planning applications in West Suffolk (the former St Edmundsbury and Forest Heath areas).
  • Former St Edmundsbury area policies map: showing the areas where the policies of the adopted core strategy, vision 2031 and joint development management policies local plan documents will apply.  The map will be revised each time a new local plan document is adopted.  You can also view the policies map on the West Suffolk interactive map 'find my nearest'
  • Neighbourhood plans: The neighbour plans for Hargrave and Great Barton are statutory development plan documents for West Suffolk Council in the former St Edmundsbury area. The plans are a material consideration within the parishes of Newmarket, Hargrave and Great Barton for planning application purposes.
  • Local plan evidence documents - we collect evidence through case studies and also use data gathered by other bodies to inform our planning policy making processes. Evidence is continually gathered in key areas with some documents updated regularly and others only when required. The evidence documents are listed under the key areas that need to be considered in planning policy making. The documents listed under each area will help you understand how policies have been influenced and shaped.
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