Unauthorised work
You can apply to 'regularise' building work. This is for unauthorised work (work done without building regulations consent) that was done after 11 November 1985. The owner of the property will need to ensure that they have enough evidence to show that any completed work met with building regulations at the time.
Please contact the building control department for a regularisation form and discuss your requirements.
Reversion applications
Under the Building Act 1984 it is possible for a third party registered building control approver to carry out the building control function for controllable work. To do so they submit an initial notice to the council. This removes the council from any obligation to control the work and approval of the work is therefore subject to the registered building control approvers control.
Where the registered building control approver is no longer able to carry out that function and the work has not commenced the Initial Notice will need to be cancelled in the first instance to allow another approved body, such as your local authority building control team, to undertake the regulatory work. The cancellation notice can either be submitted by the registered building control approver or by the person carrying out the work.
Where the registered building control approver is no longer able to carry out that function and the work has commenced the initial notice will need to be cancelled in the first instance. The work will then need to revert to your local authority building control team in the form of a reversion application. Your local authority building control team are the only body allowed to retrospectively approve work.
There are a variety of reasons why an registered building control approver may no longer be willing or able to carry out their function under the legislation One such reason is where the registered building control approver does not have the correct insurance as required under the legislation. Where the registered building control approver does not have a valid insurance in place they will be unable to continue functioning as a Building Control provider and will be unable to issue a final certificate for the works.
You can find details of building control approvers listed on the register of building control approvers (RBCAs) for England.
If you need to make a reversion application you will need to submit a reversion application to the local authority. Once you have done this you will be able to arrange for a Local Authority Building Inspector to attend site and inspect the works. We will aim to work with you to ensure works can be approved and appropriate certification issued in as timely a fashion as possible.
The reversion application should be accompanied by the following information:
- Plans and construction details showing the proposed works and any elements of the construction already in place that deviate from these plans.
- Any specialist designs (for example, structural engineers calculations, specialist ventilation designs and so on).
- A copy of any inspection notes from the registered building control approver previously used.
- The required application fee (please contact Building Control to determine this).
Please contact us to submit the application and discuss your requirements: building.control@westsuffolk.gov.uk or 01284 757387.