Club premises certificate

You will need this certificate in order to supply club members with alcohol. To qualify for a club premises certificate you will need premises that are occupied and used regularly for club purposes.

You will also need to complete a 'club declaration form' which shows how your club meets the qualifications for club status. For more details of what you need and conditions you have to meet in order to get a club premises licence, visit: GOV.UK – Club premises certificate


The cost of a club premises certificate depends on the rateable value band of your premises. You can find out what this is from the Valuation Office website For each rateable value band there is a fee, in addition to this you will also need to pay an annual maintenance fee to the council.

Plus, if you are in band D or E and are exclusively selling or supplying alcohol you will be charged a 'multiplier' fee. To find out the fees applicable to you, go to: GOV.UK - Alcohol licensing fee levels

Applying for a club premises certificate

You will need to apply for a certificate from your licensing authority. The licensing authority is usually the council where your club is located. If you do not know who that is, you can find out by going to GOV.UK - Find your local council. For a club premises certificate you will also need to complete a club declaration form.

If you want to apply for a club premises certificate, please complete the following form:

To make changes to a club premises certificate

You will need to complete a 'variation form'. There are two types of variation form:

A minor variation form (for small changes such as the layout of the premises, a reduction in licensing hours or a removal of a licensable activity). You do not have the right to appeal the decision made on a minor variation form. To apply for a minor variation is £89.

A full variation form (for larger changes such as if you wish to increase the licensing hours or add a licensable activity). You do have the right to appeal the decision made on a full variation form. The cost of a full variation depends on the rateable value of your premises. You can view these fees in the 'premises and club premises fees' guide in the related documents section.

How long is a club premises certificate valid for?

A certificate is valid as long as the club is operating.

Does tacit authorisation apply?

Yes, a decision should be reached within 42 days.

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