Premises licence

You will need a premises licence if you are providing licensable activities at a permanent premises. Licensable activities include the sale and supply of alcohol as well as 'regulated entertainment.' For a full list of licensable activities and what is classified as regulated entertainment, read: GOV.UK - Licensable activities

All businesses selling or supplying alcohol must also have a designated premises supervisor (DPS). The DPS is the person responsible for the day to day running of the business. In order to be a DPS the person must hold a personal licence


The cost of a premises licence depends on the rateable value band of your premises. You can find out what this is from the Valuation Office website For each rateable value band there is a fee, in addition to this you will also need to pay an annual maintenance fee to the council.

If you are in band D or E and are exclusively selling or supplying alcohol you will also be charged a 'multiplier' fee.  To find out the fees applicable to you, go to: premises licence fees

Applying for a premises licence

You will need to apply for a licence from your licensing authority. The licensing authority is usually the council where your business premises is located in. If you do not know who that is, you can find out by going to Gov.UK, find your local council

Click the following link if you want to apply for a premises licence:

To make change to a premises licence

In most cases the premises licence holder can apply to amend the existing licence. You will need to complete a 'variation form' to request this. There are three types of variation form:

  • A minor variation form (for small changes such as the layout of the premises, a reduction in licensing hours or removal of a licensable activity). You do not have the right to appeal the decision made on a minor variation form. Applying for a minor variation is £89.
  • A full variation form (for larger changes such as if you wish to increase licensing hours or add a licensable activity). You do have the right to appeal the decision made on a full variation form. The cost of a full variation depends on the rateable value of your premises.
  • A DPS variation form (To change the Designated Premises Supervisor)

If your premises is under construction, being altered or extended with the purpose of providing licensable activities then you will need to apply for a provisional statement instead. You will need to apply for a premises licence once your building work is complete. See the following link for details:

How long is a premises licence valid for?

A licence is valid as long as the business is operating.

If you no longer need a premises licence

If you no longer need a premises licence (if your business is closing down, for example) and the licence is not being transferred to a new licence holder, please let us know you want to surrender by writing to with the following:

  •  the name of the licence holder

  • the name and full address of the property the premises licence is for

  • the date you want to give up your licence (if no date is supplied the surrender will be with immediate effect)

  • a copy of the premises licence (or a reason why this cannot be provided)

Please note, if the premises stops trading and you do not surrender the licence in writing to the correct department, you will continue to be liable for any annual fees for as long as the licence remains in force.

There is a period of 28 days during which any new occupier of the premises may apply to reinstate the premises licence but after 28 days, the licence will lapse permanently and any new occupier wishing to carry out licenseable activities after that time will need to apply for a new premises licence.

Does tacit authorisation apply?

Yes, a decision should be reached within 56 days for new applications and variations.

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