Neighbourhood Planning in Wickhambrook

Wickhambrook Neighbourhood Area Designation

Due to change in the Wickhambrook Parish Boundary following a community governance review, on 3 April 2023, Wickhambrook Parish Council submitted a new application to define the revised boundary of their neighbourhood plan. The regulations regarding neighbourhood area applications have changed and there is no longer a requirement for publicity if the application is for the whole parish area - as it is in this instance.

Under the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (as amended), the council confirmed the designated area on 3 April 2023.

A designation statement to this effect, a copy of the application and supporting information and a map identifying the neighbourhood area can be viewed below (which supersedes the previous area designation approved in October 2021):

On 1 October 2021 Wickhambrook Parish Council submitted an application to define the boundary of its neighbourhood plan. The regulations regarding neighbourhood area applications changed and there is no longer a requirement for publicity if the application is for the whole parish area, as it is in this instance.

Under the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2021 (as amended), the council has confirmed the designated area on 4 October 2021.