Neighbourhood Planning in Worlington

Post examination - decision to proceed to referendum

Worlington Parish Council have amended the submission version of the Worlington Neighbourhood Plan in line with the examiner's report of 29 April 2024

On 8 July 2024 we issued a decision statement that the amended Worlington Neighbourhood Plan (referendum version) can proceed to a referendum on Thursday 12 September 2024.

Examination of the Worlington Neighbourhood Plan

The independent examiner issued his report on the Submission Worlington Neighbourhood Plan on 29 April 2024. The report concludes that subject of a series of recommended modifications set out in the report the Worlington Neighbourhood Plan meets all the necessary legal requirements and should proceed to referendum.

West Suffolk as the local planning authority now has to consider each of the examiners recommendations the reasons for them and decide if further modifications are needed, and they are satisfied the plan as modified meets the basic conditions and issue a decision statement.

The council has appointed Andrew Ashcroft MRTPI to carry out the examination of the submission Worlington Neighbourhood Plan (Regulation 17 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012

Clarification note from the independent examiner - 29 February 2024 Worlington Parish Council response to the inspector's clarification report - March 2024

Worlington Neighbourhood Plan (Regulation 16)
Submission consultation is now closed

View the consultation responses

On 14 November 2023, we received the submission version of the Worlington Neighbourhood Plan and accompanying documents. The council has assessed the plan in accordance with the relevant legislation and have approved receipt.

We are keen to hear the views of people who live, work and carry out business in the area. Responses should focus on whether the plan proposal is appropriate to be used for the Worlington Neighbourhood Plan.

Following the submission by Worlington Parish Council a six week consultation will commence on Friday 5 January 2024 (9am). The following documents can be viewed from, 5 January, and responded to via the council's online consultation system.

  • Worlington Neighbourhood Plan Submission Document
  • Worlington Neighbourhood Plan Basic Conditions Statement
  • Worlington Neighbourhood Plan Consultation Statement

The plan is supported by a number of evidence based documents, including the final strategic environmental assessment and habitats regulations assessment screening opinion, which can be viewed on the council's online consultation system.

What can be commented on?

Comments are invited regarding whether the 'plan proposal' fulfils the 'basic conditions' (Paragraph 8, Schedule 4B Town and Country Planning Act (as amended))

The 'basic conditions'

Representations received under regulation 16 regarding the plan proposal will be forwarded to an independent examiner, who will assess the Worlington Neighbourhood Plan and supporting documents against 'basic conditions'. These require that the plan:

  1. Has regard to national policy and guidance from the Secretary of State.
  2. Contributes to sustainable development.
  3. Is in general conformity with the strategic policy of the development plan for the area of any part of that area.
  4. Does not breach or is otherwise compatible with EU obligations - this includes the SEA Directive of 2001/42/EC.
  5. The making of the neighbourhood plan is not likely to have significant effect on a European site (as defined in the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010 (d)), either alone or in combinations with other plans and projects.

How to comment on the proposed submission plan

Please submit your comments by 5pm on Friday 16 February 2024 by using the council's online consultation system. Comments cannot be accepted if anonymous. All information received is public information (subject to the General Data Protection Regulations)

Where are the documents available

The documents are available for inspection online via the council's online consultation system and hard copies are available to view at the following locations:

  • West Suffolk House, Western Way, Bury St Edmunds IP33 3YU (9am to 5pm Monday to Friday)
  • Mildenhall Hub, Sheldrick Way, Mildenhall, IP28 7JX (9am to 5pm Monday to Friday)

Hard copies of the document are also available to view locally at Worlington Parish Church and Worlington Hall Hotel.

What happens next?

We are working with Worlington Parish Council to appoint an independent examiner who will make recommendations and their report will be published online in due course.

Once the council has received this report, and reviewed whether modifications are required, it can decide that the plan is ready for a referendum. (Further details can be found under the summary of the key stages in neighbourhood plan at steps 4 to 7)

Neighbourhood plan - pre-submission consultation

As part of the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and Regulation 14 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2015 (as amended), Worlington Parish Council is undertaking a pre-submission consultation on the Worlington draft Neighbourhood Plan until 30 May 2023. You can view the document and comment on the Worlington Parish Council website.

Strategic environmental assessment and habitats regulations assessment screening opinion: Worlington Neighbourhood Plan

The strategic environmental assessment and habitats regulations assessment screening opinion for the Worlington Neighbourhood Plan is now available to view. It has been prepared to inform consultation with statutory consultees Natural England, Historic England and the Environment Agency.

All enquiries relating to this consultation should be made to Worlington Parish Council.

Worlington Neighbourhood Area designation

Due to change in the Worlington Parish boundary following a community governance review, on 21 March 2023, Worlington Parish Council submitted a new application to define the revised boundary of their neighbourhood plan. The regulations regarding neighbourhood area applications have changed and there is no longer a requirement for publicity if the application is for the whole parish area - as it is in this instance.

Under the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (as amended), the council confirmed the designated area on 3 April 2023.

A designation statement to this effect, a copy of the application and supporting information and a map identifying the neighbourhood area can be viewed below (which supersedes the previous area designation approved in July 2021):

On 20 July 2021 Worlington Parish Council submitted an application to define the boundary of its neighbourhood plan. The regulations regarding neighbourhood area applications changed and there is no longer a requirement for publicity if the application is for the whole parish area, as it is in this instance.

Under the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (as amended), the council has confirmed the designated area on 30 July 2021.

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