My bin hasn't been emptied

You are now able to complete an online form to Report a bin that has not been emptied.

Report a bin that has not been emptied

Before you access the online form, please check all of the details below:

  • you have the correct collection day and your bin was out by 6.15am - use our Find my nearest service, enter your postcode into the 'Search for a location' box and select your address. Your bin collection information will be displayed.
  • the collection day has not changed because of a public holiday
  • other bins in your street haven't been emptied
  • your bin is at the correct collection point
  • the right waste has been put in the right colour bin - a sticker or notice with instructions of what to do will be left on your bin if the wrong waste has been put in. For more information see our Together we can get our recycling right leaflet.

Contaminated bins

If your bin is put out for collection containing wrong items, it will not be emptied. This is to prevent the whole vehicle load being contaminated, which may result in it being rejected for recycling.

Our crews regularly check the recycling bins to make sure they are free from non-recyclable items before they empty it. If the bin contains wrong items, it will not be emptied, and the crew will leave a sticker on the bin informing you of the incorrect items. Residents must remove the wrong items and dispose of them correctly. We will then be able to empty your bin on the next scheduled collection date.

We do not return to empty bins that have been reported as contaminated. If this means you cannot wait until your next scheduled collection, you will need to take waste to your local household waste recycling centre.

If you are unsure what goes into your blue recycling bin, please check our Together we can get our recycling right leaflet.

You can purchase blue recycling sacks to be put out with your blue bin if you need to - see Damaged or missing bins and extra recycling sacks.

These are the top contaminants found in our recycling and garden waste bins during October-December 2024

blue bin garden waste bin
bagged items food or kitchen waste
glass bagged items
food or kitchen waste treated or painted wood
dirty items soil
loose textiles domestic waste

Overweight wheeled bins

Occasionally, a wheeled bin may be too heavy to be lifted by the machinery on the back of the council's collection vehicles, and health and safety dictates that it would be putting the refuse collectors at risk too. If your wheeled bin is too heavy on collection day, then it will not be emptied. You will need to remove the excess waste and take it to your local household waste recycling centre. Unfortunately, we cannot return to empty your bin until your next scheduled collection day.

Compacted waste

If waste is compacted in a bin, it will not always come out when placed on the lifting mechanism. The collection crews will try to empty the bin, but if a bag or materials are stuck at the bottom of a bin, they will be unable to fully empty the bin. Residents are requested to loosen the contents of the bin ready for their next collection.

Closed lids

Lids on our wheeled bins should be fully closed when the bins are presented for collection - this reduces the chance of spillage and the potential for injury to the collection operatives. If wheeled bins are presented with open lids or partially open or ajar, they may not be emptied.

Side waste

We will not be able to collect unauthorised side waste (any additional waste left by your bin which is not in a sack with the West Suffolk logo). If you cannot wait until your next scheduled collection, you will need to take it to your local household waste recycling centre.

Road closure

We may have been unable to access bins in your road due to a road closure. The crews will return within three working days to try again to empty the bins.

Vehicle blocking access

Whole streets: If we are unable to gain access to a complete street due to a vehicle blocking our access, we will try again within three working days, so please leave your bin(s) out.

Individual premises: We realise it may not be your fault that we were unable to gain access to your bin on collection day. We will empty your bin on the next scheduled collection day if the access is clear, so would appreciate any assistance you can give us.

Frozen bins

For tips to try and avoid frozen bins, and other information regarding waste collections during cold weather, please read Waste collections in colder weather.

Missed collections

If you have missed a collection and need to dispose of your waste prior to your next scheduled collection, you will need to take waste to your local household waste recycling centre.

Waste guide

The waste guide has been created for residents who would like a concise document about how to deal with unwanted items that are no longer needed. It includes information about recycling, general waste bins, bring banks, recycling centres, bulky waste collection service, waste reduction.

Reporting unemptied bins

  • unemptied black and brown bins can be reported from 4.15pm on the scheduled day of collection
  • unemptied blue bins can be reported from 4.15pm on the scheduled day of collection, however we do not return to empty them. Instead, we can send you blue sacks to help you manage your waste until the next scheduled collection day.
  • all unemptied black and brown bins must be reported within two working days after the original collection day. If reported after that time, we will not return to empty the bin.

If you have checked all the above and would like to report your bin as not emptied, please complete our Report a bin that has not been emptied form.

If your bin has been marked as "not out", this may mean the bin is not presented kerbside or at the agreed bin location, therefore, will not be emptied. Please note, we will not return for a missed bin that has been marked as 'Not out'. Contact us to discuss if you believe there to be a location issue.

If you require further assistance, please contact Customer Services.

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