Waste collections in colder weather

It is difficult to predict the impact poor weather will have on your bin collections but we will endeavour to make every effort to keep the rounds to schedule in the event of frost, ice or snow this winter.

Decisions to delay the collection service are never taken lightly, but the safety of pedestrians, our staff and other road users must be fully considered. Bin lorries can weigh up to 26 tonnes, making them hazardous to drive in icy conditions, and especially so on narrow streets. Moving the bins themselves over ice and snow can also be dangerous and lead to slips and falls. Factors like time of day, quantity of ice, duration of snow fall, temperature, and whether the roads have been gritted, can all add to a delayed collection service.

There may be times when we need to suspend some of our services due to inclement weather, in order to maintain main waste services.

Thank you for your patience in this matter.

Frozen garden waste bins

During cold spells you may find that the material in your garden bin freezes. When this happens it may become stuck fast in the bin, preventing emptying. Where possible crews will check back later in the day, however this may not always be practical. If not then we will empty the bin on the next scheduled collection day and we will leave you some garden waste bags to put your waste in until the next scheduled collection. Trying to empty frozen bins can result in damage to the bin or loss of the whole bin into the freighter. If you want additional sacks for your garden waste please contact us.

Frozen black bins

Occasionally, the waste in black bins does freeze, preventing our crews from emptying the bins. Where possible crews will check back later in the day, however this may not always be practical. If not then we will empty the bin on the next scheduled collection day and we will leave you some bags to put your waste in until the next scheduled collection. We will collect a maximum of four sacks in addition to the contents of your brown bin on collection day. 

Tips for avoiding frozen bins

  • Keep bins in a sheltered area overnight
  • Place your bin in the sun during the day or close to a wall
  • If your bin lid is frozen, avoid pouring hot water on it, which could make the problem worse if it refreezes
  • Wrap food waste in paper
  • Put a piece of cardboard at the bottom of the bin when empty (in cold spells only – normally cardboard should go in the blue bin)
  • If the contents are frozen, try loosening the contents before the bin is collected
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