Household waste recycling centres (HWRCs)

There are 11 Household waste recycling centres (HWRCs) in Suffolk run by Suffolk County Council.

For details of opening times and what waste they accept, visit Suffolk Recycles - Recycling Centres

Mini recycling points near you

In West Suffolk, glass isn't collected in the blue household recycling bins but there are over 1,000 glass recycling banks that you can use across Suffolk. To find a recycling point near you, visit Where to Recycle near me?

There's lots of information about glass recycling and a video about what happens to your blue bin recycling materials at Glass - better in the bank

If you want to report a glass bank that needs emptying, please contact our contractors Countrystyle Recycling directly by email: or phone 01842 820804

Do not leave waste or recyclables at the site if the banks are full.

Please contact us if the area around any of our glass, clothing or paper banks needs cleaning up.

Unsure of what to recycle where?

Use the A - Z of recycling to browse or search for information on how to reduce, reuse, recycle or dispose of everyday household objects.

Where your recycling goes

To find out where your recycling goes and what happens to it, visit Suffolk Recycles - Where recycling goes

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